Is your phone taunting you to pick it up? It starts quietly, seductively luring you in… whispering to you… and then once it has you in its grasp you begin mindlessly scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. Endlessly scrolling… down… down… down that rabbit hole.

You then put it down… but you bring it with you wherever you go, like an extra part of you, an extension. You may freak when you can’t remember where you left it, feel the anxiety ripple through your body… as you frantically thrash your hands around looking for it. Hours might pass on by… what were you doing on there? Do you even know what you were doing on there?

I was pretty late to social media

I took a long pause from having a cell phone until Jay got so sick it became necessary to own one. Back then, I couldn’t believe how people spent so much time on their phones. I was blown away that people would sit down to dinner with friends, but blankly stare into their phones. It baffled me.

My aversion to social media started years and years ago when Facebook made me feel really sad. I was happy for everyone reaching their dreams, but honestly, it made me kinda feel like crap. I felt like I had not reached or obtained any of my life goals, so it made me feel like I was some sort of failure, and that was not a way I wanted to feel, so I rarely went on.

But hey, I’ve now been hooked too.

I started using social media too much when I started breastfeeding. I was stuck in the same spot for hours with a baby that would never stop feeding, and well, when you are stuck you get bored and restless… so I picked up my phone. I discovered making positive things about social media like: forums, like minded individuals and so many wonderful tools to use. Almost anything you want to know is right there at your fingertips.

So, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE THE INTERNET! It is amazing, it’s changed us and how we work…it connects us. Answers are almost always there (you obviously have to wade through the crap). And I’ve made wonderful connections through it and I’ve actually met people who will be lifelong friends. I’ve also made friends with people from around the world that I would have never met had I not logged on.

It’s like an addiction

Some experts say social media is like CRACK it is so highly addictive. It hits that spot, that wonderful pleasure center. So the issue is: what is too much screen time? Well, that is subjective.

Do you like what you are doing on the internet? Does it fulfill you? Are you binge watching show after show and not going out into the real world? Do your kids scream at you to put your phone down? Or maybe your kids are sitting like zombies playing on their phones and tablets themselves? Is your camera loaded with selfies for Instagram instead of just enjoying the moment? Are you missing out on real conversations with people who are RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU? When it is keeping you from living your best life it is a problem.

After all, it was designed to addict you

If you feel you are addicted to social media or the internet or just use it way too much, don’t feel bad. It was designed to pull you in, lure you, with its sweet algorithms, tailored just for you. But, you can take back control and you can be in charge and you can have the ability to walk away, leave it be, and not check the damn thing every time you hear a ding!

So, what is next? How do you take back control?

How do you put boundaries on how much of your time you give to social media, video games or watching TV? Is it even realistic to completely tune out? How about just a digital detox? Or reduction in screen time? Or do you just want to cut the ties and walk away? I’ve developed a plan to help combat these issues by using hypnotherapy. If you feel like you need help, want to spend less time on your devices, just reach out to me and we can book an appointment.

Take control of your screen time with hypnotherapy.

Learn more about my hypnotherapy services here.


  1. Salma

    January 18, 2019 at 4:52 am

    At times it really does feel so addictive!

    • Becky

      January 19, 2019 at 12:52 am

      In a blink of an eye when on auto pilot.

  2. Kristyl

    January 19, 2019 at 3:53 pm

    Absolutely an addiction that takes is all way from just being in the moment

  3. Tara

    January 22, 2019 at 8:37 pm

    I’ve definitely been struggling with the pull, working on it as we speak!

    • Becky

      January 23, 2019 at 3:54 am

      Tara, I’d love to do hypnosis on you one day!


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